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This website is protected under International copyright. All rights reserved. The text, program code, html code and graphics are protected by copyright and other protective laws. We point out that the content of this website may not be copied, distributed or disclosed to third parties for any purpose. Furthermore, the content of this website may not be changed.


This website has been constructed with utmost care. However, we are not able to guarantee the absolute absence of faults or the exactness of the information given. We exclude liability for any damage which may occur within the scope of the use of this website insofaras this damage is not intentional or grossly negligent.


Many of the images on this site have been contributed by third parties. Some images are copyrighted by Spuggie Productions and all images remain copyrighted by their respective owners. Images which contain a copyright message are displayed here with kind permission of the owner.

As most images are contributed and we do not know the original source, there may be the odd occasion where a picture which does not contain a visual copyright is displayed here without the permission of the real copyright owner. If you discover a picture here for which you own the copyright and you want that picture removed then please contact us with proof of copyright ownership and we will remove the picture.

If images have been contributed by an individual, then we retain the right to display those pictures even after the individual's membership has lapsed. In the case that copyrighted images have been contributed by a current member and the copyright holder requests that the images are removed then the contributors membership will be terminated.


Many of the stories on this site have been contributed by third parties. Some stories are copyrighted by Spuggie Productions and all stories remain copyrighted by their respective owners. Stories which contain a copyright message are displayed here with kind permission of the owner.

If stories have been contributed by an individual, then we retain the right to display those stories even after the individual's membership has lapsed. In the case that copyrighted stories have been contributed by a current member and the copyright holder requests that the stories are removed then the contributors membership will be terminated.

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