Spuggie's BJ Collection
Well ok guys, you keep asking me about my collection so here you are,
here's a selection of BJs from my personal collection. I couldn't put all my
BJs on here, it would have taken far too long, and lets face it although we all
know how individual and special a BJ can be, on pictures one black BJ looks
pretty similar to another! So unless its a special BJ for me in some way, I've
left it out. The page also needs updating as these were my faves back in 2002
and many have now been slashed and others have taken their place.
You can click on each image to see a larger version if it interests you.
Please note : This page has a lot of large images on so may take a while to
download unless you have a decent broadband connection.

This was my first ever BJ. Bought from a market in a local town for
about £12 in 1996. It's not an Alpha, its a copy and not a particularly
good copy at that but hey it was my first BJ and I didn't know any better
But for me, Alphas aren't the best jackets anyway. Sure they're well
made and will stand up to anything, but I'm not talking about their use for
wearing ... I'm talking about wanking!
For wanking I prefer the softer,
silkier, smoother feel of the lining in good quality copies, so most of my
collection is made up of them. I do have quite a few Alphas but they're mostly
used for wearing rather than wanking ;-) |
This was my second BJ, also bought in 1996 (about 6 months after
the first one) for about £14. A much better make and feel altogether. I
wore this BJ constantly for several years until it started to get too tatty. As
you can see one of the outside pockets got ripped and sewn back up again, and
the lining around the outside pockets started to rip. The padding also got
squashed thin from constant wanking and being put through the washing machine
so many times. |
This is the latest in the line of black BJs, and I think probably
my favourite of the 3. Believe it or not I got it brand new off the car boot
sale at Leeds for £1, yes £1 !!! It's a lovely BJ but the nylon its
now getting a bit too shiny and grubby to wear to work, so it recently become a
sex toy ;-)
The most expensive BJ in my collection, an original Alpha MA-1
Vintage. Cost a small fortune to buy but a nice jacket to wear and it will last
for many years. Doesn't get wanked in (except once or twice) and won't get
ripped until it's falling apart coz at the price I paid I need to get good wear
out of it! |
A silver Alpha bought from E-bay America and embroidered with my
website :-) It's great wearing this BJ out coz people do notice the logo, but
I'm sure most of them don't realise "BJ" stands for Bomber Jacket rather than
something like Blow Job ... LOL :-))
This is one of the 3 jackets I wear
out to the Leeds car boot, so if you see me wearing it there, say hello
This BJ was bought new in Feb 2001 at a market in Wimbledon for
£18. It's really well made, good nylon and padding and its hardly been
off my back since. It's one I wear all the time for work and play, so it's now
much more worn and shiny than shown here and has had more than it's fare share
of abuse and been made nice and dirty nice and quick ;-)
This is another
BJ I wear often to the Leeds car boot. The other jacket I wear (besides the
silver one above) is usually a snorkel parka when its cold in winter.
This was a brand new BJ bought summer last year, but abused and
made dirty to make it look old. An interesting one to wear when out walking; it
makes me horny thinking about what people would say if they saw all the writing
on the lining :-))
This is the BJ I wear out most now (September 2001). I got it
second hand from Leeds car boot sale for £7.50 but it hardly looked as
though it hard been worn. A lovely warm jacket to wear and well made so it will
last for years. Not so good for wanking in though because of the heavier
This is (or should I say these are) the latest BJ. Its a nice
quality blue one, and as you can see, I bought 4 the same! Well at least it
means I'll be wearing blue BJs for a while, and well if I feel like ripping one
after it gets a bit worn I can do coz there's plenty left ;-) And even better
because I bought them as part of a bulk order, they only ended up costing me
very little each :-)
A nice Ministry of Sound logo'd MA-2 bought from the Leeds car boot
for about £2. Its not in perfect condition (but still very good and
wearable) and it smelled damp when I got it, but a good wash sorted that out
;-) Good for wearing out when I want to look trendy :-))
A nice MA-2 again from Leeds car boot. Worn occasionally and it's
got nice soft quilted lining for wanking in ;-)
Well that's it for the ones I wear or have worn with any regularity. Now
we can move onto other special ones in my collection that are special because
they come from friends or other reasons.
An MA-1 I bought in Poland with interesting black lining. The
reason it looks so thickly padded is because its actually got two sets of
padding in there! After I'd ripped an old MA-1, I unstitched the lining on this
one and inserted the padding from the old one in there as well so its VERY
thickly padded. Too thick really - it makes me look fat :-))
This is the first BJ I got off a friend :-) I actually bought it
for him back in 1996! If course I had a few wanks in it before I gave him it,
and after a few years of him wearing in 'till it was worn nice and shiny I had
it back off him to wank in and rip.
A lovely thickly padded jacket with
thick outer nylon and nice silk lining its been used a lot for fun and games.
But as you can see, it's reaching the end of its "useful life" now and will
probably go through its final "shredding" soon ;-))
A really dirty BJ found for me abandoned at some roadworks in
It's had tar spilled on it which was obviously why it was
abandoned and its quite hard from that in places.
Definitely one for
ripping ;-)
An olive green MA-1 well on its way to destruction. It's actually
in a worse state than this now! Its been used a lot for rip picture
A sweet jacket given to me by an 18 year old friend (hi MA1Lad)
when he visited for some BJ fun. It was his old BJ he'd worn to school. We
ripped the arm off it to make a padded nylon hood for him to wear over his
head. Not that he should be covering up his lovely face, but hey perhaps he
just doesn't want to see me lying next to him ... LOL :-))
A nice MA-1 from the same guy as above. It's a size XL and was way
too big for him, so he exchanged it for a new size M from me when he
Unfortunately its lost his scent now, so needs swapping back
... LOL :-))
A dark green BJ belonging to a special friend of mine (hi
Kappacamille!!). He allowed me to rip it on my second visit down to see him in
London, and its been getting a bit more ripped on visits ever since :-))
Ok, so its pink, but what the hell, its different ... LOL :-)) And
with the black quilted lining its also different inside. Not really my taste,
but for £2 I couldn't turn it down!
A nice old (1971 dated) USAF original issue MA-1 with heavy blanket
lining sent to me by a friend in the USA.
A nice, heavy, good quality
jacket with grubby lining but the blanket padding instead of the polyester
wadding means its not that good for wanking in. Still a great jacket though

Well that's all you're getting folks obviously its only a small
selection from my collection, but it's most of the interesting ones. If you
want to see more, then get chatting to me by e-mail or Yahoo messenger and
maybe you'll get an invite once I get to know you ;-)
You can view my e-mail contact information